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WhatsApp Image 2018-08-05 at 4.49.12 PM.
About Us
Health & Safety
WhatsApp Image 2018-08-05 at 4.51.13 PM.

LA GÉNÉRALE DE FORAGE SARL (GEFOR SARL) is a contracting drilling company operating mainly in the DRC since October 2009. GEFOR is a 100% Congolese Owned Company. GEFOR is headquartered in Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga Province, DRC.


GEFOR provides a varied range of drilling services, from core diamond drilling, reverse circulation drilling, dewatering drilling and water well drilling for both domestic use and communities. Furthermore, GEFOR provides other drilling companies with services such as supply of drilling chemicals, equipment and drill rig spares.

At GEFOR it is SAFETY first.

We make it personal and it is our number one priority.


“Safety is our responsibility

Safety is my responsibility

Safety is your responsibility”


GEFOR commits to protecting the health and safety of our employees, contractors, and visitors at all of our sites and facilities.

With our fleet, we are able to efficiently and effectively add-value to any core diamond drilling project using Christensen Fourteen (CS 14), and reverse circulation drilling. we do provide blast holes drilling for both underground and surface operations. We provide water-well drilling for both domestic use and communities use. Finally, we also have rigs to perform dewatering drilling.



(+243) 976039602

(+243) 976039603

(+243) 815000106

781, Avenue Kashobwe

Quartier Baudouin

Commune de Lubumbashi,

R. D. Congo

© 2017 for LA GENERALE DE FORAGE. Created by HIM Technologies

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